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Old 12-07-2006, 11:47 PM
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Having a good 'ol time at Christmas is not the problem. Anymore than having a good 'ol time at 4th of July.

The problem (as I see it) is that there are many who actually think December 25th is a holy day.
And we keep right on letting them think this.

We could do the same with 4th of July. Afterall, doesn't Christ give us our true independance?
But should we even attempt to try and say that the real reason for 4th of July is Chirst, and that it is a holy day? After doing this for years, it would eventually be thought of just like Christmas - folks would think it was an actual holy day. And of course we would have to invent a Christ-like symbology for fireworks!!!!

We who know what the real origin of 4th of July would role over in our graves!

I think you make a good point about the lonely at Christmas.
We may have packed even more loneliness on them when they see CHRISTIANS passing them by so they can get to Wal-Mart before it closes!!!
What must they think of our faith when they see this happen? What priority do they witness in us on a day that "supposedly" is a holy day unto the LORD when it actually isn't?

Let's face it folks. They want to take Christ out of the word Christmas. They want to take away the manger scenes.
But, that Christmas TREE and all the hubbabub that goes with it is still OK.
That right there ought to make you wonder if the TREE really has anything to do with Christ. If it did, they would be pitching a fit about it too.

Look for the good in people. And let the good in you be visible to them.
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