Thread: Christ-Mass
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Old 12-09-2006, 12:09 PM
JADE JADE is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: San Diego
Posts: 369
JADE is on a distinguished road

Welcome 4eL, and I'm sure you have seen a snapshot of how each of us think about this situation. Also, I'm sure you have seen how many of us are actually growing out of a weaker understanding into a more mature and knowledgeble understanding of Christ and what is behind Christianity. This is all good and part of growing up and hopefully wiser.

My only real concern here is that children and weak Christians "CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" (as said in Jack Nicholsons voice). Thats not all that shocking either. I still have more to learn as does everyone else. But my fear is that even though there are some trappings of pagan history around some of the Christimas spirit and celebration, all is of God and so all is Good. Thats not to say that I am for "stripping for Christ" or other such weird ways to "show" ones love for Jesus. LOL

Jesus spent much of his time trying to change the hearts and ways of the pagans, jews and others. We are still trying to follow his lead. I just think that to go into a stuffy hollier than thou mode to sterilize the reason or history of a very nice and uplifting holiday and celebration is unnecessary. Let there be more info to help folks understand more of the real Christ, but don't cut off ones nose to spite their face. And let others grow into knowledge like we have, slowly and with purpose.

As far as the toothfairy and the like, I really don't care how you handle that. :rofl

We are never going to take away Christmas, but if we persist in acting as if it is a bad thing, we will help the atheist, non-believers, Muslims, etc. accomplish their goals of minimizing Christians and silencing anything they try to put out. It will then become the second Halloween of the year and will be used as ONLY a time to get drunk, dress up and act a fool. Right now it is a beautiful season of good cheer(not truly holy for various reasons but GOOD)

Jesus is the reason for ALL seasons. :nond
God bless,

I question....therefore I think....I think....therefore I am....I think?
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